Create an OS Image in Windows Deployment Services (Capture Image)

Satya | 12:39 PM | 0 comments

Here I will show you how you can simple create a new Image in WDS (Windows Deployment Services). You can use this to create own Images for your Servers or PCs or update existing Images.
  1. Add Capture Images to your WDS
    Windows Deployment Services
  2. Update your Computer or VM with the latest Software.
    Windows Deployment Services
  3. Use Sysprep to generalize the Machine. You can find sysprep.exe in C:\Windows\System32\sysprep
  4. After the Reboot boot into PXE and boot the Windows Capture Image
    Capture Image
  5. Now you can use the Image Capture Wizard
    Capture Image Wizard
  6. Choose which volume you want to capture if you have just one partion in your installed Image the Volume would be D:\ (C: is the booted Windows PE from the Windows Deployment Service)
    Capture Volume
  7. Now you have to choose the name of the WIM file and the location, before you can upload it to the WDS Server you have to save it on a local partion. After that you can choose your WDS Server and the Image Group you want to upload the image after the Volume is captured.
  8. Now the capturing process will start
  9. After the capturing process is finished and the image is uploaded you can find the Image in the Image group on your WDS Server
    Capture ImageWDS
  10. Now you can Rollout this new Image


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